Ikona Sygnanet



For several years we have been developing a service (specfile.pl) which encrypts user files and making them available to other users based on the algorithms of private and public key.

Now that we have mastered the technology of such encryption technology using a browser, i.e., without the need to use specialized report, completely new possibilities of using encrypting and sharing documents.

The Sygnanet service is just an example of using of this revolutionary method of encryption through the browser, in which encrypted and decrypted files do not leave the user's computer and only the encrypted files are transferred to the server and recipient.

If you look at existing services that mention encrypting files for the user, they usually do this after the files have been transferred to such a server. Even if the file is passed through an encrypted channel, this does not change the fact that they arrive at the server in plaintext. No assurances about the impossibility of intercepting them in this form on the server should reassure us.

With our encryption technology and extensive experience and knowledge of the processes taking place on the Internet (especially for contact anonymity), we have created a service that is extremely secure and anonymous, unrivalled in this respect by the current competition.

Unlike similar services, we write in detail about each solution used in our service to achieve these two main objectives: ensuring the safety and anonymity of the whistleblower so that every user of our service can compare these solutions with others, and if (most) are not described - require such details.

Sygnanet team
Kasia Abramowicz
Legal counsel
Katarzyna Abramowicz

Legal counsel with long-standing experience in government agencies and the private sector. She was a representative of KIRP in Brussels. Co-founder of services; Bilety24, Przelewy24, Specprawnik, odUslug, Specfile, Sygnanet. A speaker at the largest conferences in Poland related to topics related to law and new technologies. Winner of Startup Europe Awards 2017, Creative 2017, Startup SITO 2019. She took her first steps in the Internet company in 1998 by founding DialCom company together with her father, and then DialCom24 .

Zbigniew Abramowicz
Project manager, IT specialist
Zbigniew Abramowicz

IT specialist, graduate of the Faculty of Cybernetics at the Military University of Technology, designer and programmer of IT command systems in the Air Force (1972-1990), information exchange system for the Polish Press Agency (1992), founder of DialCom (1994-2003) - one of the first commercial companies providing Internet pages and e-mail for companies, initiator and founder of well-known commercial Internet services in Poland, such as Przelewy24, Bilety24, Box24, 3Gry, Specprawnik, Specfile, odUslug, Sygnanet.

Also, the service Specfile.pl, working with Sygnanet.pl, is the winner of several major awards and recognitions:

logo beta 2019
logo impact fintech '17