Ikona Sygnanet

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Protect your company, solve problems
before it's too late

Discover Sygnanet - an encrypted, secure and easy-to-use system for receiving reports from whistleblowers

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Blue Media
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Hilding Anders
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Miasto Szczecin
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Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie
Odlewnie Polskie S.A.
OPEC Sp. z o.o.
Wolters Kluwer
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Wodociągi Białostockie
The whistleblowing system works to your advantage

Why Sygnanet?

Sygnanet overcomes the fear barrier. Our tool can be completely anonymous, so employees feel free to express their fears and anxieties. This gives you full knowledge of what is happening in your organisation and allows you to make the necessary changes before it is too late.

Whistleblower anonymity

We protect your employees' identities. They can securely and  anonymously report problems you see in the workplace through a friendly communication tool.

Feedback to the whistleblower

The recipient of the report can send a message back to the whistleblower without breaking his/her anonymity.

Security for your company

Our priority is to protect the privacy of whistleblowers and  safety of employers, which is why we ensure complete confidentiality of the content of submitted reports.

Important System compliant with: EU Whistleblower Directive and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The biggest threat to your company are events that you don't know about.

Sygnanet enables companies to create even better workplaces and friendly environments for growth through an encrypted system for reporting problems and abuses.

Find out how we protect whistleblowers
A whistleblower is a person who reports (signals) irregularities that have occurred or are still occurring in the workplace, professional environment or for which the employer is responsible. A whistleblower acts in the common interest, always acts in good faith and his/her report is based on factual grounds. Most irregularities and abuses at workplaces have been detected thanks to the reports.
Whistleblowing means reporting irregularities. A whistleblower is someone who „blows the whistle” to alert you to a disturbing situation at work.
The Whistleblower Protection Directive is the colloquial name of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of whistleblowers. The Directive was published on 26 November 2019 in the Official Journal of the European Union and entered into force on 17 December of the same year. The Directive was created to protect EU whistleblowers (so-called whistleblowers) from retaliation. It defines who is protected, how a breach can be reported, and which entities are obliged to comply with its provisions and implement the relevant procedures.
After registering in the system, a company receives a website address intended for receiving reports from whistleblowers. On this website, the whistleblower writes the text of the report and attaches attachments (if any). The text of the report together with attachments is encrypted and sent to the company at which the whistleblower works. Only the recipient of the report can decrypt the message. The recipient can reply to the whistleblower. The whistleblower will read the message using the request ID and the assigned reading password.
You can use the platform immediately after registering your company in the system. Additionally, we will implement the Sygnanet system in your company, train notification recipients and employees and provide access to the educational platform at no additional charge. Arrange a free presentation.