Ikona Sygnanet

Set up a company account

Setting up a company account for whistleblowers should be done by a person appointed in the company to handle whistleblower reports (the recipient of reports).

The registration process for a company account is carried out in 3 steps:

01Enter the e-mail address of the recipient of the requests
02Fill in the details of the recipient of the requests
03Complete company details

Organization of reports received from whistleblowers in a given company with the help of the Sygnanet server requires registration of the company and registration of the e-mail address of the recipient of the reports.

As a result of registration on the Sygnanet server, an individual website will be created for the company, where the company's employees will be able to securely forward notifications to a designated person within the company.

Whistleblower notifications in encrypted form are stored in the Recipient Panel of the Sygnanet server and a notification of their arrival is sent to the specified e-mail address of the recipient

Step 1

Enter your e-mail address if you are the person responsible in your company for receiving and handling whistleblower reports (recipient of reports).